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May 2024
We're absolutely delighted to acknowledge funding to the tune of £10,000 from the Suffolk Climate Action Community Match Funder through Green Suffolk - helping us realise our dream to significantly increase our solar array. Earlier in the Spring, work was completed to install an astounding 152 solar panels on our large roof. The Suffolk weather isn't quite playing ball yet in providing us with lots of sunny days (we're sure they're on their way though!), but the panels are already generating valuable energy, meaning we are able to use the electricity to support the running of our wonderful community facility. |
Every month, we publish an update of what is coming up and a round up of things that have recently happened at DS&L.
This is circulated in local village newsletters and parish websites.
Do you know of other publications or online spaces which would be happy to share our news too? Let us know if there is as we are always keen that more people know what's going on at their local sports and leisure facility.
Email us at [email protected]
This is circulated in local village newsletters and parish websites.
Do you know of other publications or online spaces which would be happy to share our news too? Let us know if there is as we are always keen that more people know what's going on at their local sports and leisure facility.
Email us at [email protected]
June 2023 Magazine Update
March 2023 Magazine Update
12/01/23 Community Centre toilet refurbishment
The work to improve the toilet facilities within the Community Centre has now been completed. This complements the work undertaken in 2022 to upgrade the Community Centre roof, windows and insulation and helps reflect the new look of the whole facility. |
February 2023 Magazine Update
Grant news! We've had a great number of grant successes of late and we're so pleased that the value of Debenham Sports & Leisure amongst the community is being recognised for further investment. We're so grateful to all our funders for their contributions. Cllr Matthew Hicks - Suffolk County Council Leader, and our local County Councillor granted us £496.38 of his locality funds to help us set up The Kitchen enterprise earlier in the Autumn. His generous contribution has allowed us to purchase much needed kitchen equipment to prepare much of the delicious fayre on offer. Debenham Parish Council - We are pleased to share that we have been successful in securing £500 towards our annual Fireworks event. Bringing visitors from miles around, the event is the most popular in our calendar and we look forward to making 2022 an event to remember. Asda Foundation have provided us with a boost of £1,500 to assist us with increased energy bills and help keep our facilities open for the community over the winter period. Mid Suffolk District Council awarded us £19,898.65 through their Community Development Grant. This is to purchase new fitness equipment which is suitable to meet the growing medical/ fitness/health improvement needs of our older clientele, those recovering from cardiac illnesses and people referred from the Debenham Practice to Debenham Sports & Leisure as part of its GP Referral Scheme. Suffolk Community Foundation awarded us £2,000 through the RSM Fund to fund equipment to run cardiac rehabilitation classes. |
What's on?
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or check our our Activities & Events tab at the top of this page
You can also get access to updates and special offers through our newsletter